Valuation report of your house from an aknowledged appraiser

Need a valuation report of your house?

One of our aknowledged appraisers is happy to set up a valuation report of your house. There are various situations in which your need to know the value of your property.

For example when you:

  • need a mortgage (potential with NHG) for your house;

  • want to sell your house;

  • want to close an insurance contract;

  • want to know what the added value will be after a rebuilding;

  • are getting a divorce

To perform the appraisal, you have to make an appointment with an appraiser. How much your property is worth depends on different factors, such as the condition of your house and similar offer in the neighbourhoud.

Request an appraisal immediately by contacting us.

What's in the valuation report of your house?

A valuation report includes various components, which together form the free market value. The free market value is the price that your house would yield under normal circumstances. This is, among other things, determined by:

  • the type of the house;

  • the acreage;

  • the presence of a garden, garage, balcony, etc.;

  • the location. These include, among other things, the place and neighbourhoud wherein the home state. The appraiser also looks at similar offers in the neighbourhoud;

  • the structural condition of the house;

  • the quality of the workmanship of the house;

  • aesthetic and architectural;

  • legal aspects.

Mortgage valuation report

If you need a mortgage, it's important that the valuation report is not too old. Most lenders accept a valuation report which is no older than three months. A few banks accept a report that is maximum six months.

NWWI valuation report

If you want to applicate for a mortgage, you need a validated valuation report. An NWWI valuation report satisfies all the requirements of all lenders. With this report, you can also apply for a mortgage with Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG).

Valuation report house

Sometimes a NWWI valuation report is not necessary. For example when you:

  • just want to know what your house is worth, for example, to determine if rebuilding is a good idea;

  • want to object against a WOZ-disposal;

  • want to close an insurance contract.